Friday, December 7, 2007

Rollin' And Scratchin'

I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night, but I did get some sweet dreams out of it. Does anyone else find that they dream more when they don't sleep well?

I've forgotten far more than I've remembered, but the largest section I remember took place in Minneapolis, in a dream version of 1708 Como. I showed up and Sam and Josh looked like they were up to something. I asked Josh what was up, and he told me that they were going to be interviewing some chicks to be Sam's new girlfriend (apparently dream-Sam was single).

Anyways, I laughed at that and asked them where they were going to conduct the interview. They conducted me into a room which does not exist in the real 1708 Como, an enormous unfinished space just off the living room, with filthy concrete floors and beams sticking out everywhere and carpet mats and shitty chairs all over the place. Kind of like my basement, except bigger and on the ground floor.

I cackled and cackled at the idea, and said "You'd better be interviewing them next to some huge hole in the floor!" Sam directed my attention to the far corner of the room, where a beat up table and some chairs were set up next to a gaping hole in the concrete. I laughed some more and helped them move some tables together.

At this point, Zack Norlin showed up with two girls in cocktail dresses and my cousins' Marble Maze set. Now for those who don't know, Zack Norlin is a gangly tool from Missy Ho, and Marble Maze is an awesome game where you build a race course for marbles out of these plastic tube things, then race marbles down it. I could only find this picture, so you'll have to imagine a much larger, more complex set.
As far as I could tell, the interview was going to consist of seeing which girl could build the best marble maze, which in dream-logic seemed like a pretty good criterion for being Sam's girlfriend. The girls didn't do much though. It was all Norlin, and he fucked it up pretty badly. You see, marble maze depends upon gravity, so it takes some planning to make a course that will function and a structure that will support your course, all with a limited number of pieces. Norlin just slapped it all together and it failed, spilling marbles all over the greasy mat of carpet.

Other tidbits of dream:
1. I was with my mother, examining some very strange looking dogs. They were about pug-sized and jet black, but they were clearly young puppies. We wondered what kind of dog would have such big puppies. An adult version then showed up, as if in reply to our question. It was a huge, black, rough-cut kind of dog, unlike any I've seen before. Kind of like Richard Walker's enormous German Shorthair that I met in like 5th grade, but bigger, thicker, and blacker.
2. At my cousins' house, Amelia was doing the dishes and Sam (Cohoes, my cousin) was working on something in the living room. He quoted some line and we all laughed. I walked into the kitchen and went for the cookie jar in the pantry. It was full of these things that looked like fig newtons, but instead of figs they had meat inside of them. They were yummy. I walked into the back porch and saw that my mother was walking the enormous black dog towards the house. Otto was sitting on top of the washing machine and wanted to get really excited, but I calmed him down.

Possible interpretations:
1. I am excited to see my friends and family. And Zack Norlin.
2. Marble Maze is sweet.
3. I was kind of hungry when I went to bed.
4. The dog was a grim and I am in mortal peril.
5. Salami Newtons are going to be the next big thing in snackable food items this holiday season.

P.S.: I am working on a groundbreaking kind of hater post. Probably publish tomorrow, depending upon how, you know, "papers" for "classes" for "grades" progress today.


Erik said...

Marble Maze is fucking amazing.

Jason said...

I think you just remember your dreams better when you sleep poorly because you're always waking up in the middle of them and remembering everything.

I also woke up early this morning, about an hour before my alarm was set to go off, and found that my entire body was vibrating. I realized that this was because I was shivering. The next logical step was to ask, out loud, "Hmm. Why am I shivering?" and from there to progress to the answer, also out loud, "Maybe because it's FRICKING FREEZING in here!"

Luckily my roommate is home for the weekend so he doesn't think I'm a total nutter or anything.

CoachDub said...

I would give up veganism for a good sausage newton.

constant_k said...

"Luckily my roommate is home for the weekend so he doesn't think I'm a total nutter or anything."

Ah, if only I could say the same thing.

J0hn said...

we are going to have so much fun