Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sippin' On Haterade

I missed posting last week due to a lack of hate, so I'm coming back this week with twice (or at least 1.5 times) the hate brought upon the world last time. So, without further ado, here's what I'm hatin' on this week.

  1. Monkeys- Normally I am a huge fan of primates, but there is some disturbing monkey related news coming out of India. In northeast India there is a case of monkeys on the lam. According to the article, "troupes of monkeys are out of control in India's northeast, stealing mobile phones and breaking into homes to steal soft drinks from refrigerators, lawmakers in the region have complained." These monkeys need to be stopped.

  2. Political Correctness- In Australia, they have worse problems than even a kangaroo on the lam. Santas in Sydney have been told not to say "ho ho ho", because "it may be offensive to women." According to the article, they have been told to say "ha ha ha" instead. Bitch please, "ho ho ho" is a Christmas (or I guess should say "Holiday") tradition, let the Santas speak.

  3. The Police- The police are at it again, this time in Italy, shooting, and killing, an Italian soccer fan and starting a riot. I'm not sure if any of the Italians read this blog, but this is sad news coming from the land of our Italian brethren. Fuck tha police.

  4. Minnesota Sports- Every Minnesota sports team that matters (sorry Wild, I'm not a hockey fan) is terrible this year. The Vikings are trash, the Timberwolves are terrible, and Gopher football probably couldn't even beat the Warriors. The only thing Minnesota had going for it was Adrian Peterson, but now he's injured.

That's it for today, I'm pleased I was able to work two NWA videos into the post, I'll be back next week with more hate. Just remember, if you're feeling hate inside you don't hesitate to express yourself (sorry, I had to put in one more).


constant_k said...

When/if the wild make the playoffs I will become a fan. I did it once before and it was actually quite entertaining.

That fuckin' Barney/NWA thing was rather well done.

constant_k said...

Jason/Holbrook: Do you recall being awakened by "Jungle Boy" at KB State? And then after the song they cut to a news break about a chimp uprising in Africa?

It has begun.

CoachDub said...

I apologize for being all English-teachery, but since this is the secons time, I have to say something: Since it is written right in the bottle, shouldn't it be spelled Haterade, not Hateraid? Unless it is two things, a drink (Haterade) and a benefit concert (Hateraid).

CoachDub said...

And when I misspelled "second" in a post about being English-teachery, I was using irony, you see.


Anonymous said...

yeah it should, that's my bad

constant_k said...

we should have us a benefit concert for all the poor haters out there.

Welcome to Hater-Aid 2007!

Headline acts: Ice T, Ice Cube, and Winger

constant_k said...

4 comments in 5 minutes=a new world record

Anonymous said...

it's been fixed, and yeah, this is some intense comment action

constant_k said...

Man, Winger.

I remember a few months back Dub did a blog post where he spelled his name using the first letters of songs from his iPod, and everyone was doing it, and Tom Weizenegger used Winger for his W. Dub responded with this snarky comment:

I'm just sorry that it took a silly iPod game for you to admit you have a problem:
"My name is Tom, and I like Winger."

constant_k said...

I am in the process of making my own iPod acrostic and it is indeed a good way to procrastinate

bundy said...

the republican in me hates australia now.

and i already hated monkeys...people think they're cute and shit, but when you turn your back - oh man.