Saturday, October 27, 2007

This Is How We Do It

Welcome welcome, one and all, to the Hater's Ball!

This post will not be in verse, because that's just not how we do things around here.

Once upon a time there was a blog. It was created by Sam Walker, believe it or not, at the behest of Andrew Kubas and myself. It was fun for a long time. Then it died.

You're welcome to go check it out. It will be preserved for the sake of the archives, and so when The Hater's Ball comes to the fore of the worldwide psyche, the inquisitive billions will be able to peruse our progenitor at their leisure. I suppose we'll add on a link when we get time.

Now then: you all have interesting lives, or so I've been led to believe. Post about them! Comment on those posts! Comment about those comments! Carouse and celebrate! Eat, drink, and be merry!

If I may paraphrase from a somewhat earlier post:
Welcome to the best thing the internet has going for it. The Hater's Ball. Or as I like to call it, America's Homepage. It's mine, at least.

Check in here for all things mustache, all things bright and beautiful, and all things in general.

Welcome home, Planet Earth.


Comrade_Bazarov said...

where is my invite?

constant_k said...

I'm WORKING on it

Comrade_Bazarov said...

thank you maxwell

CoachDub said...

Edge of seat.
Bated breath.