Friday, February 15, 2008

Bang Bang Boom

So our professors in my crazy honors freshman seminar thing (where we learned about the history of modern thought and read a shit ton of books and wrote a lot of papers) asked us to design a t-shirt for the group. I came up with this beauty:

And my well-meaning, very Irish professor Seamas O'Driscoll emailed me back suggesting as kindly as he could that I should change my motto to something a little less pessimistic.

You know what? I don't think I will.


Jason said...

its not Langston Hughes?

matt said...

i wouldn't

royalewithcheese_ said...

Would "Masochist? This class is for you" work better?

Jason said...

it's a bit more engaging, you know, draws in the masochists who just thought the literature freshman seminar sounded lame.

Jason said...

and it is Langston Hughes, btw

constant_k said...

yeah I knew there would be a few typos


Josh said...

do you want me to make that not ugly for you using an image editing program i am fond of and use often

Josh said...

max msn now dude

constant_k said...

cockbag didn't even put it up to a vote

ah well

Jason said...


you really gotta update this more

constant_k said...

jason i think this blog might have to die

write me a letter in german